Get your tickets now!
Seating is limited!
Shepherd’s Heart of Lorena has been selected by the Waco Civic Theater to be the recipient of all proceeds from ticket sales and concessions on the dress rehearsal performance of the Three Musketeers on Thursday, March 22nd, 2018 at 7:30. You won’t be disappointed – the play will be presented at half the regular admission price. Tickets are available for $10 by calling 254-723-5037.
Please consider making a monthly pledge.
Follow our progress as we work toward collecting your generous gifts:
Hunger is a huge problem that often goes unnoticed because our hungry neighbor often looks like us. They may live in our neighborhood. Their children are classmates with our children. They may drive the same car and wear the same clothing. Our hungry neighbor may attend church with us or maybe they are a coworker. They could be the person standing in front of you in the grocery store checkout line or the elderly lady across the street. You may not see the hunger in our community but it exists on a daily basis.
Most people facing hunger have fallen on hard times because of a circumstance beyond their control. Some have lost their jobs, some have low-paying jobs. Some are single parents trying to make ends meet on a single salary in a tough economic time. Senior citizens and the handicapped are on fixed incomes too and struggle to pay their bills. All the while, they have to decide whether to pay for their housing, medicines, or food. Ultimately, it is food that is often sacrificed.
Our hungry neighbors need help. Through generous donations, the Shepherd’s Heart of Lorena food pantry is able to provide nutritious food to our neighbors. Our client base has grown by 500% in the last year. We have given away 50,000 pounds of food since we opened in May, 2014. There is nothing more important to solving hunger in our community than getting others involved in being a part of the solution. Please consider being an advocate for the hungry by making a donation. It’s simple and fast, just click on our donate button. What are you waiting for–click on the red donate button above!
We are a 501(c)(3) and all monetary contributions are tax deductible and appreciated regardless of size. Our website is safe and secure!
Susan Yow
Shepherd’s Heart of Lorena